Find Your Strong Podcast

Your Body is Not the Problem, with Kim Stacey

Christine Chessman (she/her/hers) Season 2 Episode 20

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A great episode with the incredible Kim Stacey today.

Kim has been an inspiration to me since I started changing the way I taught fitness to a body-neutral approach and is making waves in the industry.

We start by chatting a little bit about what brought Kim to fitness and why she feels she is right where she wants to be.

We talk about bodies.  Our body stories. Accepting our changing bodies and how to lead with self-compassion rather than judgement.

We end the episode by talking about when 'challenging' yourself becomes 'punishing' and about not making joyful movement another thing we 'should' aspire to.

Have a listen, let me know what you think and if you'd like to work with Kim or check out her platform:
Visit the Body Image Fitness website OR
Follow her on instagram or facebook

The Body Image Fitness platform is for ALL bodies.  
You do not have to have any fitness experience to join.  It is a haes aligned weight inclusive community and a judgement free zone where you will always be welcome.

Are you simply fed up with hating your body? Are you stuck in the 'earn and burn' cycle when it comes to exercise?
You are not alone and your body is NOT the problem

Please reach out if you would like some support. We both have limited slots for Intuitive Eating and Strength Coaching, so get in touch with Christine or with Ela.

AND if you enjoyed this episode, please share and follow the 'Find Your Strong podcast' and if you have time, write us a short review. It would honestly mean the world. Love to you all, Ela & Christine x

00:00:02.260 --> 00:00:12.589
Christine Chessman: So welcome to another episode of the find your strong podcast. And today I have the wonderful Kim Stacy with me. Hi Kim.

00:00:12.780 --> 00:00:30.849
Kim Stacey: Hello, thanks for having me. You are welcome. Thank you for giving up your time. I know how hard you're working right now, so I really appreciate. I always love speaking to you. So it's a pleasure.

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Kim Stacey: This is we're recording. In January we're just back to work. After the Christmas break, just wondering how you're feeling energy wise if I'm either put the recording into on 10 min ago. Yeah, no, I I'm I'm feeling positive and happy and excited about what 2024 is gonna bring

00:00:58.850 --> 00:01:25.770
Kim Stacey: right. Now, I'm feeling tired and because, yeah, that it is busy lots going on. My head is constantly full of ideas, and it's either 100 miles an hour or I'm asleep. So it's a it's a lot, but it's it's exciting. I get

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Kim Stacey: a lot. I get a lot out a lot of sort of like the dopamine hair. I get a lot out of doing what I do. I love it so much and it kind of gives me like, I kind of feel like I'm running on adrenaline a lot of the time, because things are things are moving, and things are exciting, and things are happening, and there's lots of

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lots of good things. So I'm tired. But it is

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Kim Stacey: positive it's from all of the positive things. So

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Christine Chessman: I mean, that's what I was gonna say is, if you don't know Kim, how could you not know Kim? And she is the finder of body, image, fitness. So if you go on to Instagram and do app body image fitness, and then we've got body image, and I think there's

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Christine Chessman: hyphens in between, isn't there?

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Christine Chessman: Yeah, yeah, but just Google body image fitness. And I will also put all of that information in the show notes to do, not worry. But Kim is basically creating an empire non diet, fitness, professionals. And you know, I'm not gonna talk for you, but I teach a few classes for the platform, and I absolutely love it because you have really worked hard to get a range of instructors from diversity of backgrounds and

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Christine Chessman: really work to make it inclusive for people. And I just think that's something that I haven't seen before. Actually.

00:02:48.770 --> 00:02:51.760
Kim Stacey: yeah, oh, no, thank you. It's

00:02:51.790 --> 00:03:00.010
Kim Stacey: It's so important. Representation really really does matter for all sorts of different reasons. And

00:03:00.180 --> 00:03:06.589
Kim Stacey: as we know, there's not enough in the fitness industry, you know, II grew up like many, many people, feeling

00:03:06.730 --> 00:03:16.090
Kim Stacey: that my body was wrong, that you know that my body wasn't ever gonna be good enough to to be in fitness and

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Kim Stacey: you know II did. I remember I did a level PE, and I did. Some dance is one of my practicals, and I loved it. I was so excited, and I wanted to like.

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Kim Stacey: do something and dance or do something in fitness. And then I just it just ended up going a different path. But luckily I've I've come back to it, and then it it fill, and it sounds really cheesy, but it feels like, this is where this is what I'm supposed to be doing.

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Christine Chessman: I 100% feel that.

00:03:49.450 --> 00:04:14.509
Christine Chessman: Yeah, you were talking there about bodies and your body feeling wrong, and you know I think a lot of my clients been or they're struggling. You're you know. You're a different life, saver. You're a youngster, Kim. But A lot of my clients are struggling with bodies changing. Which kind of comes along with Perry the Perry to post menopausal years.

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And it's something which is difficult, you know it. There's 2 phases of life where apparently our self esteem or or body dissatisfaction is at its highest, and that's puberty and perimenopause. So it's like a second peak of

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body dissatisfaction. But

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Christine Chessman: Hi! Would you? I just wanted to talk to you about changing bodies.

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Christine Chessman: How you cope with your own body changing, and how you would talk to clients about it. So that's a big question. Straight in there, straight in there.

00:04:49.110 --> 00:04:51.830
Kim Stacey: I think with

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Kim Stacey: So it's it's obviously related to, you know, body image, and how how you feel about yourself. And I know that

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Kim Stacey: you know one thing that I always say to my clients and and to myself, or I have to remind myself, is that it's never gonna be

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Kim Stacey: you're never gonna be cured of one day you're gonna wake up and think, oh, actually, my body's fabulous, or my, I accept my body. You know, there's gonna be good days. And there's gonna be bad days. And it's more just about

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Kim Stacey: learning what to do on those days when you're feeling rubbish, what you can do to be kinder to yourself what? What helps so that that bad day doesn't get worse. So that bad day doesn't turn into a week or a a month and

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Kim Stacey: and it and it's having that compassion for yourself. That's that's that self compassion. And

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Kim Stacey: you know we touched on representation. And I feel like it's important to

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Kim Stacey: have that. You know.

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Kim Stacey: we talk a lot about diversifying your news feed and your social media and and all of this stuff. But it really really does have an impact, because it shows that there are different bodies out there. And we all look different. And we're all supposed to look different, and our bodies are supposed to change. And

00:06:28.210 --> 00:06:47.750
Kim Stacey: how amazing is it that our bodies do change because that's a sign that we're alive. That's sign that we're living. And you know there's this whole thing. I know you've touched on it before about like anti aging. And this is whole narrative of you know it's it's bad to age, and it's just.

00:06:48.310 --> 00:07:11.609
Kim Stacey: It's all to do with the Patriarchate to get that in that, didn't I? It's it's always blame the patriarchy for everything. It's fine. But you know it. It's all there to to sell us things, to make us feel rubbish so that they can sell the solution to to quote unquote, fix us and

00:07:12.350 --> 00:07:17.290
Kim Stacey: we are amazing, you know, as we are, and

00:07:17.540 --> 00:07:36.180
Kim Stacey: a lot of the time you hit sentences like that. And it's just words. And it's quite surface level. It is a case of just, you know, working on it every single day. Really. And and knowing that your body is not the problem.

00:07:36.210 --> 00:07:40.010
Kim Stacey: what the the tagline of body image fitness is. So yeah.

00:07:40.040 --> 00:07:49.700
Christine Chessman: I love that tagline so much. But it's a. It's exactly that. It's kind of the you're not supposed to lick your age. You're not supposed to look like you've ever had a baby.

00:07:49.700 --> 00:08:18.250
Christine Chessman: you're not, you know your body's not supposed to change ever, you know, that's or you're supposed to look like you did when you were 16. If you had a tiny little body like like that person over there who's a fitness influencer. And it's you know, you grow up with this. I mean these images everywhere. I mean they just. You cannot escape them. I'm still getting loads of emails about body transformations. And you know I am not in that space. I guess so many people wanting to come on the podcast here all about promoting fat loss

00:08:18.590 --> 00:08:23.039
Christine Chessman: through fitness. And I'm like, Have you looked at my website I'm not.

00:08:23.240 --> 00:08:43.599
Christine Chessman: And it's it's very hard to swim the other way to swim upstream, isn't it? And I think, do you find that having the community cause I know that you're really active with your community in terms of like big clubs and life drawings and all of that. Do you find that helps you personally as well?

00:08:44.760 --> 00:08:49.059
Kim Stacey: Yeah, I feel like it. Does. I feel like,

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Kim Stacey: yeah, it, I think, having

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Kim Stacey: the the community of instructors as well, and seeing the diverse diversity there, and knowing that we are all of the same ethos. And even though you get

00:09:08.310 --> 00:09:15.619
Kim Stacey: people in the fitness, industry, arguing, or, you know, claiming all of this stuff that we're

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Kim Stacey: promoting obesity. And all this all this rubbish, you know that you've got like a strong group of people that feels so passionate. And it's kind of

00:09:26.020 --> 00:09:36.069
Kim Stacey: validates a little if it helps validate how you're failing as well, and you know as well like you're not the only one. So then, on the other side of it. If

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Kim Stacey: you know if somebody is

00:09:38.360 --> 00:09:48.880
Kim Stacey: one of my clients is having a bad body image day, it's like, well, I can totally relate cause, you know II feel like that sometimes, and then it's

00:09:49.060 --> 00:09:53.769
Kim Stacey: when you get to share that experience. You don't feel so alone, and you feel like Oh.

00:09:54.220 --> 00:10:07.220
Kim Stacey:  Well, then, it can't just be me. If there's so many of us that feel like this, it's got to be a bigger problem. You know. So yeah, it does help definitely.

00:10:07.890 --> 00:10:21.740
Christine Chessman: Yeah. And I think it's you know, II try not to live in a complete bubble. But I do you get to the point where you know I detox my feet a long time ago, and surround myself with kind of people of diverse bodies, and

00:10:21.740 --> 00:10:40.449
Christine Chessman: and and can people who work in the non diet space mainly, or who live there and don't live in diet culture? And then you get to a point where you're like. You almost are shocked when you're hit with another trainer coming up trying to talk about the calorie burn and earn your Christmas dinner. You're like, what is that still going off?

00:10:40.670 --> 00:10:42.860
Kim Stacey: You know

00:10:42.880 --> 00:10:55.669
Kim Stacey: it just feels like. So dated now 2024. Are we still doing this? Come on, surely you must know by now, like, yeah.

00:10:55.890 --> 00:10:57.839
Kim Stacey: but it it kind of.

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Christine Chessman: yeah. You kind of start to feel like, Oh, the world's changing the world, but it's it is very much the algorithm, isn't it like it's ridiculous. But I had one, and II have a friend called Shannon Weston, who is a non diet dietician, and she specializes in eating disorders. And she posted this thing about Michael Mosley. Michael Mosley has been a bona contention for me for a long time because he does a lot of programs

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and looks about exercise and and weight loss. And you know, and he recommends the fasting diet. He's got a whole website about the 800 fast 800, which is.

00:11:39.150 --> 00:11:52.660
Christine Chessman: you know, 8 800 calories. And you know, for a period of 12 weeks. And you've people have never felt better, and he's got all these before and after, and because he is a doctor or was a doctor, he's almost got this

00:11:52.660 --> 00:12:09.230
Christine Chessman: attached to him, but he has got no, he's not a nutritionist, he is not a dietician. He's probably done, you know, a module in medicine 50 years ago, or whatever. But people are buying into this in such a massive way. And he's got a new program and TV,

00:12:09.350 --> 00:12:12.590
Christine Chessman: and it's just really hard.

00:12:12.670 --> 00:12:19.929
Kim Stacey: Yeah, you know. Where do you start with that? You know. I know. I mean that that's

00:12:20.680 --> 00:12:34.779
Kim Stacey: okay. Sorry if you can hear in the background partner's house, and he's got chickens, and the dogs got out, and I think I can hear the chickens go.

00:12:35.150 --> 00:12:38.519
Kim Stacey: He's not inner city, is he?

00:12:38.670 --> 00:12:51.930
Kim Stacey: No just outside of of new? Well, so Sunderland, area but 800 calories that's like

00:12:52.260 --> 00:12:55.810
Kim Stacey: and and is that, are they? Is he just suggesting that

00:12:55.910 --> 00:13:23.569
Christine Chessman: every single person has to do that as well like it's. I think it's for a period of time, and then, you know, to to. And it's it's not something new, not kind of singling him like he's just one of many, but it is that it's not new. We know that if you eat less you will lose weight. But what happens then? And I think that's that's the bit that people miss. It's like they want it now. They wanna look different like. And I don't blame people for that because of the culture we're living in at all.

00:13:23.690 --> 00:13:34.299
Christine Chessman: But he doesn't address. He doesn't address what Susan is doing 4 years from then do you know what I mean? He doesn't go back and do that?

00:13:34.580 --> 00:13:41.870
Kim Stacey: Yeah, no, nobody seems to do that. The people that are doing that are the ones that are actually saying.

00:13:42.030 --> 00:13:45.440
Kim Stacey: maybe it's not working, after all.

00:13:45.620 --> 00:13:46.580
Kim Stacey: Yeah.

00:13:47.460 --> 00:13:56.669
Christine Chessman: but anyway, away from Michael. Mostly, I wanna talk more about movement today. And but how much is too much

00:13:57.130 --> 00:14:17.250
Kim Stacey: question that I often come back to, so that I'm joyful movement if movement actually has to be joyful. But let's do one at a time. Sorry I've got you know I've got popcorn bran. I've got lots of stuff. I have weird conscience which makes sense to me, but not but for you.

00:14:17.440 --> 00:14:23.660
Christine Chessman: What I mean. I hate the word balance because I just I just don't. It's like journey. I don't enjoy that word.

00:14:23.750 --> 00:14:30.009
Kim Stacey: but high, much movement is too much. Can we quantify that for how?

00:14:30.290 --> 00:14:32.779
Christine Chessman: Yeah, why would you answer that one, Kim?

00:14:33.460 --> 00:14:34.320
Kim Stacey: That's

00:14:35.340 --> 00:14:58.969
Kim Stacey: that's a very individual question and answer even I think that you know I always say to my clients, your body, your roles, and you know your body far more than anyone's ever gonna know and you know, it's gonna the answer to that as well is gonna change week on week, day to day, you know. And

00:14:59.020 --> 00:15:11.740
Kim Stacey: I feel like it's it's checking in with yourself constantly. As to. you know, is this benefiting my energy levels? Is this benefiting my life?

00:15:11.760 --> 00:15:21.920
Kim Stacey: am I? Is my whole body hurting constantly. I know when I was incredibly obsessed with exercise. I was working out

00:15:21.970 --> 00:15:29.420
Kim Stacey: intensely. My body hurt it all the time. but I was in that mine frame of like

00:15:29.480 --> 00:15:37.250
Kim Stacey: got to lose way. I've got to lose way, you know, and I was very, very, very addicted. And it. I think that.

00:15:38.370 --> 00:15:41.180
Kim Stacey: Yeah, so it it is

00:15:41.900 --> 00:16:01.979
Kim Stacey: normal for sometimes to feel a little bit of soreness depending on what you've done, especially if you're new, or you know but it it it's if it's getting to the point, I suppose, where it it is actually negatively impacting your life, I think, is when possibly

00:16:02.390 --> 00:16:09.579
Kim Stacey: that's when it it can be too much, but but it quantifying it, it's going to be different for everybody.

00:16:09.950 --> 00:16:20.639
Christine Chessman: yeah, II totally agree with that of the answer, because that's exactly what I would say. But I do think that you know we are. It's a hustle culture, isn't it?

00:16:20.810 --> 00:16:34.390
Christine Chessman: And the whole actual rest and letting your body rest it kind of again. We're going against the grin, aren't we? You know the Never Miss a Monday. You never regret a workout, you know. It's

00:16:34.830 --> 00:16:47.140
Christine Chessman: I think I you know, and I've seen other fitness instructors going. I'm a rest day rebel. I was supposed to rest today. But instead of when I am I? And I'm like, no, no, no, we're not glorifying, not rest.

00:16:47.410 --> 00:16:57.270
Christine Chessman: I certainly from A number of my clients would err on the side of possibly doing too much for them.

00:16:57.330 --> 00:17:07.419
Kim Stacey: but it's it's a real hard line to yeah. I think this time of year as well. There's a lot of people that I know me.

00:17:07.650 --> 00:17:20.410
Kim Stacey: I love routine, and II couldn't wait to, you know. Get back. And and I'm working on my own fitness levels. You know various different reasons. I'm

00:17:20.480 --> 00:17:31.990
Kim Stacey: teaching more teaching my Twerk classes. So I want to build but I also want to do it just for myself. But yeah, it

00:17:32.510 --> 00:17:41.120
Kim Stacey: it rest is so so important. And actually, if you don't rest all all the hard work you're doing then becomes counterproductive. So.

00:17:41.400 --> 00:18:03.020
Kim Stacey: And I think that, as I say, some weeks, you're going to need more rest than others. Some days you're going to need more rest than others, and it's it's not defining the resting as oh, I'm lazy, or I haven't done this. It's just what you said the other day. Which I absolutely loved was about. And just oh, to start again tomorrow! It's fine. I'll start again next week. It's it's not.

00:18:03.880 --> 00:18:32.290
Kim Stacey: you know, life is fluid. It's it's it's different. Just like our bodies are, you know it? It? It's not spin. All spoke. We're not machines. It doesn't work like that. So yeah. And I think it's that consistency which I don't think you can have. And if you live, you know, if you, if you're a parent. If you are working full time, it's, you know, in this particular crisis, it's very hard to actually

00:18:32.620 --> 00:18:55.299
Christine Chessman: have that consistency of routine. I think it's something we do be ourselves up, for. I like you love routine. II also check in with myself on any given day. So maybe I wanna do 2 strength sessions next week. But if I wake up in Monday and I don't wanna do it, I'll do something else or nothing, and I'll try and somehow work in those sessions.

00:18:55.350 --> 00:19:06.670
Christine Chessman: which is the lovely thing about working from home. But you quite like a gym, don't you? Or you quite like going to classes. What motivates you more? Can you work out on your own from home, or would you prefer to?

00:19:06.820 --> 00:19:18.250
Kim Stacey: No, II need to. Either be in a class preferably be in a class. I kind of for me to kind of push myself more. And

00:19:18.380 --> 00:19:28.190
Kim Stacey: I don't. I don't feel like yeah. And I like to get out. I like to get out of my house, and I but I just think because I can't.

00:19:29.000 --> 00:19:33.519
Kim Stacey: III struggle to kind of sit still and settle.

00:19:34.090 --> 00:19:34.980
Kim Stacey: But

00:19:36.110 --> 00:19:48.969
Kim Stacey: yeah, so so I like to to to go out and get rid of some of my energy, or or if I'm teaching a class. and then I can come home, and then I can try and settle. But if I'm at home, I'm like, Oh, yeah.

00:19:49.000 --> 00:19:53.580
it's weird. My brain's weird. But I can't like, yeah, II can't

00:19:54.100 --> 00:20:01.079
Kim Stacey: motivate. Must seem to. Motivation's a very funny word, though. Isn't it? Motivate myself to

00:20:01.700 --> 00:20:08.820
Kim Stacey: just work out with my weights, and I've got all the equipment and everything that I'd need, but just doesn't happen.

00:20:08.860 --> 00:20:20.050
Kim Stacey: And I think that is a very individual thing, and that's why I love about. It's like there's no one size fits all important for people here moving or wanting to move.

00:20:20.060 --> 00:20:32.559
Christine Chessman: to think about what works for them, you know. Is it morning exercise is the evening exercise? Do you wanna work out with friends? You wanna work out from home? Do you wanna be fine, really think about that cause. I think that can help just

00:20:33.530 --> 00:20:40.549
Christine Chessman: you know I just serve. Keep being more sustainable, or make the movement more sustainable. If you, if it actually works

00:20:40.950 --> 00:20:54.490
Kim Stacey: for you, do you know what I mean? There's no right or wrong way as well, you know there's no moral value to any of it. Whichever you pick. It's like, it's, it's individual and it it doesn't matter

00:20:55.330 --> 00:20:59.400
Christine Chessman: 100%. And it's, you know, if you don't ever work out again.

00:20:59.860 --> 00:21:09.480
Christine Chessman: you know there's no, it doesn't make you better person, or if you work out every day, or you don't, makes no difference. But you mentioned pushing yourself?

00:21:09.740 --> 00:21:20.690
Christine Chessman: That's another question I had, how do we differentiate? These are big questions today, homework. And how do you differentiate between punishing and challenging?

00:21:20.780 --> 00:21:26.050
Christine Chessman: This is for you, because obviously we can't do that for other people. But it's more.

00:21:26.240 --> 00:21:37.909
Christine Chessman: you know. Sometimes I have a weird thing with running where I used to have already punishing my relationship with running is difficult, because I it used to be a use it certainly, to maintain wit.

00:21:38.010 --> 00:21:54.909
Christine Chessman: I would see it in that van. So I struggled. My relationship with running is tricky, and I do find it punishing sometimes. So just just from your like, from a personal point of view. Do you ever, when you're pushing yourself, do you ever go? Oh, this seems a bit

00:21:55.160 --> 00:21:58.519
Kim Stacey: much, because I feel like I'm

00:21:59.270 --> 00:22:03.849
Kim Stacey: I'm coming at it completely different way. Now.

00:22:04.840 --> 00:22:07.019
Kim Stacey: when I used to push.

00:22:07.320 --> 00:22:11.939
Kim Stacey: it was because I hated my body. It was because I

00:22:12.030 --> 00:22:34.670
Kim Stacey: needed to stay within a certain calorie deficit I needed was very, very, very obsessed with calories. Everything was tracked literally every single thing. And and I, yeah, I was getting to the point where one workout wasn't enough. So I did one intense workout, and then I'd go and do like an a spin class. And it was like, because I was getting so fit.

00:22:35.240 --> 00:22:42.950
Kim Stacey:  the II needed to. Just yeah, continue to push myself. But

00:22:43.060 --> 00:22:45.140
Kim Stacey: now it's like

00:22:46.530 --> 00:22:49.410
Kim Stacey: I'm doing it. for

00:22:49.900 --> 00:22:56.370
Kim Stacey: I'm doing it for all the good things that can come with it, you know.

00:22:57.070 --> 00:22:58.210
Kim Stacey: and I

00:22:59.260 --> 00:23:19.200
Kim Stacey: I don't hate my body. I don't love my body, but it it. It's it's that kind of like math, and some days it tips either way. But no, II think it's it's just my mind set is completely changed now towards it. And I know that

00:23:19.800 --> 00:23:21.020
Kim Stacey: also

00:23:22.380 --> 00:23:37.199
Kim Stacey: I so so so need to look after my body, because I've got now with my business. So many people dependent on yeah classes. And and you know I've got to. And obviously I'm I've got my son. I've got

00:23:37.900 --> 00:23:46.409
Kim Stacey: a a lot of responsibilities. And and it's I owe it to myself and to so many people to really, really

00:23:46.480 --> 00:23:51.410
Kim Stacey: make sure that I'm I'm okay. And I'm looking after myself.

00:23:52.480 --> 00:23:59.440
Kim Stacey: So yeah, it's it's it's it's diff. It's difficult. And it took a lot of time to change that mind set

00:24:01.050 --> 00:24:02.570
Kim Stacey: but yeah.

00:24:03.610 --> 00:24:07.860
Christine Chessman: I sort of. I really command you for that. And

00:24:08.050 --> 00:24:26.289
Christine Chessman: I think it does take a long time. Just not. And that's something which people I think II start buying on about a lot like not not expecting things overnight to feel different. And it's it's totally fine if you still feel the same way, you know, because every every little step you take

00:24:26.290 --> 00:24:50.130
Christine Chessman: will help, and every little bit of you know, if you're doing a class which is just full of joy, and it's full. You know. You've got an instructor who is not talking about the Calorie burn. He is talking about the joy of movement and actually giving you adaptations that work for your body, you know, that can make a difference. And like incremental change, I just and it's not expecting too much too soon.

00:24:50.270 --> 00:25:02.279
Christine Chessman: And as you just said, it's kinda you need. Your body needs to be okay for you to do all of this amazing stuff that you're doing. So you need to take care of it. I'm not like leading from such a place of

00:25:02.590 --> 00:25:06.810
Christine Chessman: self compassion, which is so nice.

00:25:06.890 --> 00:25:10.140
Kim Stacey: It takes time, and it's not

00:25:10.250 --> 00:25:14.009
a linear. It's not been a linear journey, and it's still

00:25:14.130 --> 00:25:17.469
Kim Stacey: there are gonna still be occasions where you know

00:25:17.600 --> 00:25:33.450
Kim Stacey: I still it. Some days I'll look at my body, and I'll be like, Oh, God, I need to get rid of that or needs. And then I'm like, No, stop it, because it it's so being so automatic. And it's like the automatic thoughts come. And then you're like.

00:25:33.640 --> 00:25:39.540
Kim Stacey: swipe the sight. Swipe them away. So it's being realistic as well with yourself and

00:25:40.400 --> 00:25:41.350
Kim Stacey: yeah.

00:25:41.740 --> 00:26:02.499
Christine Chessman: And II mean, I find when thoughts come like body, image thoughts come which maybe have been in there, as you're saying from early days. One of my clients said that what she does is she gets into her body and moves, so she just moves even a little tiny bit like puts us on. It does a bit of a dance, because then you're

00:26:02.520 --> 00:26:09.650
Christine Chessman: you're not separate from your body you're in rather than looking at it from the outside, or how you think other people are looking at you

00:26:09.780 --> 00:26:19.520
Christine Chessman: just get into it, you know whether that's breathing meditation, moving around, dancing, whatever you want to do, but that really has helped me. So that's kind of what

00:26:19.970 --> 00:26:23.329
Christine Chessman: I try and do. If the thoughts come, you know, first of all, you go

00:26:23.430 --> 00:26:33.819
Christine Chessman: piss off, you know. Go away. But then, if it's just not helping, just start, it's not always easy in the moment, but that is certainly something that's helped me.

00:26:33.940 --> 00:26:34.950
Kim Stacey: Yeah.

00:26:35.850 --> 00:26:39.959
Christine Chessman: yeah, it's hard, isn't it? And on that note

00:26:40.220 --> 00:26:43.040
Christine Chessman: joy, joyful movement.

00:26:43.450 --> 00:26:45.529
Christine Chessman: talk to me about joyful movement.

00:26:45.870 --> 00:26:57.459
Kim Stacey:  movement. Be joyful.

00:26:57.490 --> 00:27:02.690
Kim Stacey: And that's that's I feel

00:27:04.620 --> 00:27:08.080
Kim Stacey: individual feel like

00:27:08.500 --> 00:27:18.610
Kim Stacey: if somebody's had a very, very hard relationship with movement, and they're just getting back into it. Focusing on the joy

00:27:18.720 --> 00:27:22.239
Kim Stacey: is a really really good place to start. And

00:27:22.490 --> 00:27:24.700
Kim Stacey: because then, yeah.

00:27:25.580 --> 00:27:31.980
Kim Stacey: but it depends where you are in your exercise journey. I know we don't like that word

00:27:32.540 --> 00:27:40.279
Kim Stacey: and I feel like once you have managed to. If you get to that point when you get to that point of

00:27:41.130 --> 00:27:49.700
Kim Stacey: your relationship to movement has changed and it's moved away from the diet culture. Mind set

00:27:50.000 --> 00:27:52.519
Kim Stacey: you kind of it becomes

00:27:53.530 --> 00:27:56.689
Kim Stacey: you'll do it because you know that it's

00:27:56.840 --> 00:27:59.660
Kim Stacey: gonna help you like

00:27:59.810 --> 00:28:09.649
Kim Stacey: for all the other benefits. So it's gonna help you take care of yourself. It's gonna help you feel better. You do it because you can tolerate it.

00:28:09.790 --> 00:28:11.050
Kim Stacey: And

00:28:12.400 --> 00:28:16.260
Kim Stacey: I don't think that it's realistic to say that

00:28:16.470 --> 00:28:21.030
Kim Stacey: all movement is going to be joyful all the time. But

00:28:22.270 --> 00:28:26.829
Kim Stacey: when you get to that point it of? Of yeah.

00:28:27.350 --> 00:28:30.449
Kim Stacey: I think that eventually it will become that you'll

00:28:30.580 --> 00:28:38.379
Kim Stacey: sometimes you'll just tolerate it, sometimes. It will be more joyful than than others.

00:28:38.790 --> 00:28:41.299
Kim Stacey: but it. It's kind of something that

00:28:41.380 --> 00:28:57.590
Kim Stacey: eventually, for some people, it just fits from within a life. And it's just what they do. And it's just another part of you know and say, Hey, I think there's nothing in life that's always gonna be. I think you know it's kind of like you can't.

00:28:57.600 --> 00:29:13.339
Kim Stacey: You always can't always strive to be happy because you've got to experience the downs to enjoy the what's the what's what's the expression? You've got to experience the lows to enjoy the highs, and I think you know.

00:29:13.370 --> 00:29:23.530
Kim Stacey: with any emotion and any failing. I think it's it's important, and I know I know that a lot of us will have experienced the lows of exercise and the punishment

00:29:24.200 --> 00:29:25.740
Kim Stacey: which can then make

00:29:26.190 --> 00:29:30.880
Kim Stacey: when it does become joyful it becomes more joyful. So

00:29:30.940 --> 00:29:36.600
Kim Stacey: yeah, it's a it's a. It's a difficult one, and it's with all of these there's never

00:29:36.840 --> 00:29:46.550
Christine Chessman: but wrong. There's no black and white. Everybody's different. Everyone's got their own experience. And everyone's bodies different and lifestyle. So it's not

00:29:46.650 --> 00:30:00.659
Kim Stacey: yeah different. Somebody else is gonna have a very different answer to that question. I'd imagine. Yeah, one of my previous guests. I asked her that question. I like it because it gets people kind of like. Hmm, thank God!

00:30:00.720 --> 00:30:12.289
Christine Chessman: But she was like, you know your your movement doesn't, or your your strength training or your training does not need to entertain you. That's not what it's about. And she had a very different take on it.

00:30:12.440 --> 00:30:38.500
Christine Chessman: But you know for me, I like to make movement comfortable. So if I'm doing strength training, I like to do it from home. And maybe if it's movement that I know, I like to put the TV on, or listen to music, or or do something that makes it a bit comfortable. Make sure I've got a nice cup of coffee with me and make it, you know. Take it really slow. Maybe go lie on the ground, so maybe there's ways to make it slightly more comfortable.

00:30:38.500 --> 00:31:07.539
Christine Chessman: But you know, saying it has to be joyful again. It's another shoot, isn't it? It's another which is not. It's not helpful at all. But yeah, so I'll not know. What is your joy? What brings you joy in terms of movement. What do you love to do? Some of the time I love? I love to dance. I absolutely love to dance, and I love the like the twerk after work classes that I'm I'm learning a lot of different techniques. And

00:31:07.800 --> 00:31:18.400
Kim Stacey: it brings me so much joy to. I yeah, I love teaching. So I do a small group training class. And I love doing the strength training. But

00:31:18.450 --> 00:31:26.219
Kim Stacey: it's a different type of joy when I'm sort of up. And I'm dancing. And I'm like it. Just

00:31:26.330 --> 00:31:33.890
Kim Stacey: yeah, I really, really it. It takes a lot of energy. Which is why I'm working more on my fitness. But it's

00:31:33.960 --> 00:31:36.489
definitely something I really really love.

00:31:36.950 --> 00:31:47.689
Christine Chessman: And you know, are you just born able to work? Cause I have tried tried. I just can't. I just can't do it

00:31:47.970 --> 00:31:59.300
Kim Stacey: literally like every time I make a cup of tea or a coffee, or every time the kettle's boiling. I twerk I practice like literally. That's what I'm doing in my kitchen because

00:31:59.720 --> 00:32:15.260
Kim Stacey: it. It's you've got to think it's like when you're driving a car. You've got learning to drive. You've got all these different things that you've got to think about, and and then and then it just clicks for you. Practice you get to do it and

00:32:15.660 --> 00:32:20.519
Kim Stacey: but it it takes it takes practice because it goes against like

00:32:20.970 --> 00:32:27.470
Kim Stacey: a lot of the time. Like with strength training, you clench your bum potentially, whereas

00:32:27.590 --> 00:32:28.700
Kim Stacey: Twerk

00:32:28.960 --> 00:32:48.390
Kim Stacey: not don't clench because you can't, you won't jiggle that, and you need to unclench everything. And so I carry a lot of tension in my body, and I'm like shoulders. And I'm I get. So it's I think it's why I love it partly so much because it kind of releases.

00:32:48.480 --> 00:33:01.040
Kim Stacey: And it makes you become free, and you carry a lot of emotions and your hips and and and it's it's a lot about sort of moving moving your hips and and

00:33:01.110 --> 00:33:13.260
Kim Stacey: there's a lot of strength from your legs and you know, we've talked about this before. A lot of call work protect you back. And you know, and so it's, it's

00:33:13.840 --> 00:33:38.809
Christine Chessman: it's a to a lot of people. It just looks like shaking her off. And like, Yeah, I am, but also like there's a lot to it. Thank you. I just I just spas. You say it's something that you progress and everybody can have a go at it, you know. Don't think you can

00:33:38.840 --> 00:34:01.129
Christine Chessman: exactly. But, Kim, before I let you go and feed the chickens. I still can't get get over that your boyfriend's got chicken. That's amazing. I love that fresh eggs in the morning. So what is coming up for you? I know that you have so many hats on but what is coming up for you at the minute?

00:34:01.530 --> 00:34:07.599
Kim Stacey: And where? Where can we find you? How can we work with you? I'm gonna put all the details in the show notes, but

00:34:07.790 --> 00:34:09.000
Christine Chessman: just open.

00:34:09.409 --> 00:34:11.620
Kim Stacey: So at the moment we're.

00:34:11.770 --> 00:34:29.570
Kim Stacey: I'm fine waiting for the details of this. So this project that I'm doing with the Nhs. So basically, last year I spent quite bit of time educating primary care workers on weight stigma and the the damaging impact it it

00:34:29.730 --> 00:34:47.230
Kim Stacey: does have on a lot of people. And and so that was really really successful. And so then, with that. their primary care network in Nottingham have decided they want to pilot

00:34:47.750 --> 00:35:15.279
Kim Stacey: offering the membership to patients as an alternative to something like slimming world. So it's basically a weight neutral approach versus a weight centric approach. So that means that we're not. We're just not focusing on the weight we're just focusing on what we can do to benefit physical and mental health.

00:35:15.340 --> 00:35:32.149
Kim Stacey: and well being, you know, away just away from the scows. And whereas obviously we know, something like slimming world is focused purely on the weight, and they don't really claim to do other stuff. But yeah, that's a debate for another day. But

00:35:32.250 --> 00:35:55.460
Kim Stacey: so that's really, really exciting. So we're at the point now where it's basically just trying to figure out like logistics and how it's gonna work. And like, so we're. I'm just waiting, I think, because it's been Christmas and New Year, and I think there's been quite a few strikes as well with junior doctors and things. I think that's impacting things. So I'm just waiting for

00:35:56.120 --> 00:36:09.739
Kim Stacey: that to be finalized. And then the Nhs, yeah. Yeah. So the patients will be able to then start using the membership. And then, after that, the idea will be starting to approach

00:36:09.750 --> 00:36:23.490
Kim Stacey: other Pcns. So primary care networks within within the UK, and just say, Look, this is what we've done. Would you want to offer it to your patients? And then, hopefully, it will just kind of have a ripple effect.

00:36:23.600 --> 00:36:27.859
Christine Chessman: this, I mean, this is growing breaking. This is huge.

00:36:28.210 --> 00:36:29.189
Christine Chessman: isn't it?

00:36:29.670 --> 00:36:38.660
Kim Stacey: Yeah, yeah, I get imposter syndrome. And I get like on there. But it is an an amazing opportunity.

00:36:39.380 --> 00:36:56.959
Kim Stacey: and it's it's yeah. It's a lot. It's it's a lot. Cause I'm I'm putting a hell of a lot of pressure on myself to make sure that it works the best that it can possibly work. And the patients are happy, and and you know, and and and because for a lot of them

00:36:57.320 --> 00:37:13.510
Kim Stacey: it's going to be a very, very different way of thinking. And I know that when you first discover what diet culture is, it can take years to kind of change. And so we're going to have like, probably this is one of the things they're deciding 3 to 4 months.

00:37:14.030 --> 00:37:28.100
Kim Stacey: So it's it's a. It's a big responsibility. Because you want these patients to. You want of them to feel better. That's literally the whole point. And that's the whole point in any of this really so

00:37:28.840 --> 00:37:45.400
Kim Stacey: to to to kind of really have a big impact on their lives. And then with it being successful, it will then open doors to help more more people in the same way. So it's gonna be quite a

00:37:45.460 --> 00:38:10.069
Kim Stacey: intense time. But it's gonna be worth it. But I think it's almost like getting the ball rolling. I think what you've done is incredible, because certainly I you know, on a previous life, worked for a little while for weight management service as the exercise person. I thought I could infiltrate from the inside and change things which is not II wasn't able to do that, but

00:38:10.140 --> 00:38:21.549
Christine Chessman: there was very strict outcomes that they were focused on. So you know, a certain amount of weight had to be lost for them to meet their targets, and the fact that you and I, working with the Nhs

00:38:21.690 --> 00:38:48.629
Christine Chessman: to work with clients and the outcomes are, gonna be. They're probably their markers are better. They're their energy is better. There, you know, their blood work looks different. It's not gonna be. Wait related. II think you don't give yourself enough credit and right. So in some cases.

00:38:48.920 --> 00:38:54.010
Kim Stacey: when it comes to weight stigma, because it's very much like BMI. An you know. And

00:38:54.300 --> 00:39:10.570
Kim Stacey: the the really really positive thing is that there are people that understand that that's not helpful for a lot of people and that there are. There is another approach which is gonna which is gonna help. And so that's that's positive. I mean, I've got.

00:39:10.630 --> 00:39:14.439
Kim Stacey: I'm offering the service. The amazing thing is is that

00:39:14.470 --> 00:39:31.779
Kim Stacey: that people are starting to recognize that actually, why don't we? You know what we're doing now is not working. Why not. Why don't we just try something else like what you know? Why, why not? I think that's that's the good thing. There's there's people that are a lot, you know.

00:39:32.260 --> 00:39:33.460
Kim Stacey: looking at A

00:39:33.980 --> 00:39:39.619
Kim Stacey: and and thinking outside the box, which is what we want. So yeah.

00:39:39.620 --> 00:39:59.390
Christine Chessman: Oh, okay, I just. I'm so full of all for you. I think that's incredible. And I'm gonna if you'd like to work with Kim, I'm gonna put or I come to body image fitness classes. They are fantastic. I'm gonna put all the details in because Kim's got some amazing offers the New Year as well, and you can try it for free.

00:39:59.390 --> 00:40:17.369
Kim Stacey: Highly recommend it. Some of the instructors are incredible, and but all in the show notes. But, Kim, thank you so much for joining us today and go get some rest.

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