Find Your Strong Podcast
Encouraging people to find what FEELS good in terms of food, movement and their bodies. Let's challenge the wellness w*nkery and start a new conversation.
In each episode, Christine and Ela discuss their thoughts on diet and fitness fads, speak with fabulous guests about their experiences with finding peace with food and movement, and interview experts so that they can share their insights and knowledge with you.
The hope is that together we can change the narrative around nutrition and exercise and help you find YOUR strong!
65 episodes
Grief and Body Image - Let's Talk About It!
This one was tough but I'm not one to shy away from hard topics of conversation. Ela and I spend our lives swimming upstream, and going against the grain in terms of our work with clients and the content we share with you.This is a raw o...
Season 3
Episode 26

Shared episode from the 'Notes on Vulnerability Podcast": Dealing with Perimenopause Weight Gain
Ela was a guest on this fabulous podcast, hosted by Alex Pett. Alex kindly allowed us to share the episode with our listeners, as we think it might be relevant and interesting for you! Her details are below, check out her resilience coaching an...
Season 3
Episode 25

Misinformation and Movement Myths
There is a lot of science behind the benefits of movement, but using that to create a bunch of rules on how we 'should' or 'shouldn't' exercise is ignoring the fact that everyone's goals are different, that people's needs and what's available t...
Season 3
Episode 24

Eating Disorder Recovery IS possible - Debbie Lesko on Why Diets Just Don't Work.
We had the absolute pleasure to chat to the wonderful Debbie Lesko - the person behind the well-known and -loved platform 'Diets don't work' @diets_dont_work_haes1 (Facebook and Instagram)Debbie Lesko is a 69 year old grandmother whose ...
Season 3
Episode 23

Rebooting, Reframing, Re-evaluating - Ease into the New Year
Happy 2025 everyone! To start the new year, we had a great chat about how we can set goals in a sustainable way We also talked about- new year's resolutions and how we have full permission to opt out of making any<...
Season 3
Episode 22

Self-Care, Mindfulness and Boundaries in the Festive Season
Guest-less but certainly not clue-less - our Christmas episode is full of our thoughts about how we can set boundaries during the festive season, how to prioritise enjoyment and use mindfulness to make sure we stay present and focus on looking ...
Season 3
Episode 21

You Don't HAVE to Lift Weights, with Dr Lisa Folden @healthyphit
Ela and I LOVED this conversation. It was a chance for us to debunk popular fitness culture myths and talk about why we don't all need to be lifting heavy shit, if it doesn't work for us and WHY even 5 minutes of movement counts.
Season 3
Episode 20
Body Happy Kids and Teens, with Molly Forbes @bodyhappyorg
What a joy to have Molly Forbes on the pod!Molly Forbes is an author, campaigner, and journalist. Her first book, Body Happy Kids (for adults), was published b...
REAL Body Acceptance. An Episode on Body Grief with Bri Campos.
Bri Campos is a tour de force. She believes wholeheartedly in creating language around body image and encourages non-diet and intuitive eating providers not to skirt the issue.We chat about how integral building a relationship wit...
Season 3
Episode 19
Why Body Representation Matters, with Emily Williams from Every Body Outdoors
Wow, what a fantastic conversation with the fabulous Emily Williams - and our first to be released on YouTube (you can watch it here!)Emily is the Director and Co-founder of
Season 3
Episode 18

Wegovy, Weight loss and Accepting Our Bodies - Kate's body story
Trigger warning: We talk about weight, calories, wegovy and eating disorders in this episode. Please take care of yourselves and show discretion if any little ones are nearby.Another episode in our YOUR Bodies series where ...
Season 3
Episode 17

Body Image Healing and Rest. The One with Bri Campos.
This conversation with Bri Campos had a huge impact on me. It was confronting and resonated deeply. I am currently doing some business coaching with Bri and invited her to talk to me about rest ...
Season 3
Episode 16
Exercise, ADHD and Finding Balance.
We are so grateful to Nicky for spending time with us and chatting about her body story, how she found balance in her life by exploring movement, and how her recent ADHD diagnosis helps her navigate her relationship to food and movement....
Season 3
Episode 15
Rehabbing Our Relationship with Our Body. A Conversation with Hannah Husband
I have been SO excited to bring you this episode as I know it will speak to so many of you. Hannah Husband (they/them) is a body liberation coach. Think of Hannah as a couples therapist for the relationship between you and your body...
Season 3
Episode 14
Let's Stop Talking about Getting TONED.
This one is a spicy, ranty one ALL about the language we use around food and our bodies.We moralise the food we eat. We talk about feeling 'guilty' if we eat something 'bad'. Weight Watchers count certain foods as 'sins' and we id...
Season 3
Episode 13
You Don't Know What Your Body Can Do, UNTIL You Do It. With Kanoa Greene
This episode went places neither of us was expecting! Tune in to find out why. This week we are chatting with Kanoa Greene, celebrated by Good Morning America and CNN! Kan...
Season 3
Episode 12

Can we talk about fat loss and NOT promote diet culture?
This episode was inspired by an instagram post, which spoke about the messy middle between diet culture and aesthetic goals and whether you could pursue fat loss specifically, and NOT promote diet culture at the same time.This is ...
Season 3
Episode 11
My Sugar Coated Life. Liana's Body Story.
Welcome to episode #2 of our 'YOUR Bodies' series, where we invite members of our community.Today we have Liana Stevens, or @mysugarcoatedlife ...
Season 3
Episode 10
How to Manage the Fear of Weight Gain over 40.
Wow this one was juicy.I have to say, Ela and I were both ON it for this episode😘 Ela had been finding in sessions that many of her clients were scared, not just of weight gain but of what digging deeper into ...
Season 3
Episode 9
YOUR Body Stories. Sofie Hagen and Fat Liberation with Abi Smith
This series is about YOU. YOUR body stories. YOUR relationship to food and movement, YOUR dieting and un-dieting history and how you feel in the body you're in.Ela and I wanted to understand more about the issues you are dea...
Season 3
Episode 8
Surfing, Satisfaction and Feeling the Difference. The One with Evelyn Tribole.
Ela and I are beyond excited to bring you this week's guest, the OG of Intuitive Eating herself, Evelyn. If you are new here or have never heard of Intuitive Eating and don't know what the fuss is all about, this is the episode fo...
Season 3
Episode 7
The Problem with Hot Girl Summer Walks.
Have you heard the term 'Hot Girl Summer'? Yes, thank you diet culture for once again making a season all about women's bodies, and making us feel that we are somehow wrong and need to change!* In response to the surge in populari...
Season 3
Episode 6

Thin Privilege, Oprah and Wearing The Damn Shorts
This week I am bringing you a podcast that I was a guest on, as it's topical, hard hitting and I think you'll get a lot out of it, especially if you're struggling with body acceptance as the weather gets warmer and diet culture gets noisier.

How to Feel Comfortable in Your Body if You Have Gained Weight.
This episode is our first one as a duo and I'm SO excited to have Ela on board.Ela (@elalawnutrition) has been on the podcast several times and she and I have worked together on numerous projects in the past.As a non-diet nutrit...
Season 3
Episode 4