

Christine Chessman

Christine is an online movement teacher and strength coach with more than 12 years experience in the fitness business.

She works with women in the non diet space and is passionate about helping women move better and feel better now.

She takes an intuitive approach to movement and encourages her clients to tune in, connect to their bodies and to explore why and how they want to move rather than how they want to look.


Ela Law

Ela is a nutritionist and intuitive eating counsellor. She works with people who have had enough of dieting and restriction or who have a history of disordered eating, and who would like to heal their relationship with food and their body.

With her clients, Ela explores the psychological, emotional and physical aspects of eating and movement. Intuitive eating is a way of shifting our attention and focus from external messages and rules to internal signals and cues, making it a sustainable way of making peace with food and your body. 

Originally from Germany, Ela now lives in Kent, UK, with my husband, two kids and dog.



Alex Pett

Alex started out as a City lawyer, moved into publishing and then found her way into the creative industries as a writer. She continues to write today, as well as publishing a podcast.

Resilience provided the foundation and the fuel for starting to live adventurously and wholeheartedly. She got here by developing confidence, courage, clarity of vision and learning how to hear her own intuition. That enabled her to move from being stuck, numbing and dissatisfied to open, enthusiastic, calm and confident.

Alex loves the sea. And as well as being a resilience coach, she is a cold water swimming super fan and loves surfing

Bri Campos

Brianna (Bri) Campos (she/her), LPC, is a licensed mental health counselor based in New Jersey. As a body image educator and the founder of Body Image With Bri, she’s passionate about all things body image and practices through the lenses of Health at Every Size® and Intuitive Eating. Utilizing a fat positive approach, she combines her clinical skills and lived experience to teach others how to maneuver through their own individual body image exploration. She specializes in body image education including her unique framework on body grief. 

Follow her on Instagram:
@bodyimagewithbri and visit her online

Guest appearance on:


Dr Lisa Folden

Dr. Lisa N. Folden is a North Carolina licensed physical therapist, NASM certified  behavior change specialist and Anti-diet Health & Body Image Coach. She owns Healthy Phit Physical Therapy & Wellness Consultants in Charlotte, NC where she provides trauma-informed and weight-inclusive care to clients in diverse bodies and those in eating disorder recovery.
As a health at every size (HAES®️) ambassador and movement expert, Dr. Folden assists clients seeking healthier lifestyles. Her weight-neutral approach encourages intuitive eating, joyful movement, body acceptance and breaking up with toxic diet culture. 
Dr. Lisa is a mom of three, published author and speaker whose goal is to see as many people as possible living their best lives without worrying about their weight!

Guest appearance on:


Kanoa Greene

Celebrated by Good Morning America and CNN, Kanoa Greene is
proof that athleticism and adventure come in all shapes and sizes.
Internationally renowned fitness trainer and outdoor adventurer, she
is redefining what plus-size bodies can do, how they are perceived,
and where they can go. She is a catalyst for a movement that is
empowering people across the world to live their wildest dreams in
the bodies they are in right now.
A trailblazer within the fitness and outdoor industries, Kanoa is also
the founder of NAKOA Adventure; creating brave spaces for plus-size
bodies to discover and explore the great outdoors and adventure
Kanoa challenges us to break down the barriers of disbelief and
celebrate bodies of all sizes without limits; demonstrating that you
don’t know what your body can do until you do it

Guest appearance on:


Molly Forbes

Molly Forbes is an author, campaigner, and journalist. Her first book, Body Happy Kids (for adults), was published by Vermilion in 2021, followed by Every Body (for readers 9+) in 2024, which won Highly Commended in the Health & Wellbeing category of the Teach Primary Awards. That same year, Molly was named one of the winners of The Fair Education Alliance Innovation Awards, supporting the development of the Body Happy Schools programme. An experienced broadcaster and public speaker, Molly has appeared on BBC Breakfast, Woman’s Hour, This Morning, Radio 1’s Newsbeat, Channel 4’s Steph’s Packed Lunch, and Heart Breakfast, discussing children’s body image, mental health, and parenting. As the founder and Executive Director of Body Happy Org, she oversees operations and strategic direction. Molly is also an active workshop facilitator, delivering sessions in schools and corporate training for brands promoting positive body esteem

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